
2013年11月30日 星期六


西藏寧瑪派聖地 才仁炯之吉美林巴法相 (取自無垢摩尼寶珠山部落格)

Entering the City of Omniscience 入遍知城
An Aspiration Prayer for Actualizing Words of Truth ──實證真語祈願文

by Rigdzin Jigmé Lingpa 日津吉美林巴 

I offer homage to the source of an ocean of accomplishments: the masters, the Three Jewels and the bodhisattvas. I take refuge in you— Grant your blessings, I pray!
敬禮成就海之源  上師三寶菩薩眾  於汝尊前我皈依  願賜加持我祈請

In all my future lives, may I gain a precious human rebirth complete with all the eighteen freedoms and advantages, and may I become the student of an authentic master!
於我一切未來生  願得珍貴人身寶  具十圓滿離八難  願依具德之上師

Training my mind through study, reflection and meditation, the source of higher rebirths and definite goodness, may I follow the Buddha’s precious teachings!
以聞思修調自心  此乃增勝之根源  增上生與決定勝  願隨佛陀珍法教

May renunciation, the root of all Dharma practice, and the four thoughts which transform the mind, arise naturally in my mindstream and may I see samsara with all its endless activity as a prison or a pit of fire!
願修持根出離心  以及四種轉心法  自然生於心續中  願視輪迴無盡行  猶如牢獄火坑般

Gaining confidence in the infallibility of karma, may I strive to carry out even the smallest good deeds and avoid even the slightest harmful actions!
無誤業則得淨信  願我勵力付實行  微細善行不稍捨  些許有害不妄為

Without falling prey to adverse circumstances, busy places, distracting companions, or any other such obstacle on the path to enlightenment, may I take the Three Jewels as my refuge and train in the gradual path for beings of the three levels of spiritual capacity!
不陷怨懟無暇處  惡友以及障道緣  願依三寶為皈依  以三士道漸次修

May I give up any doubts regarding the master, the embodiment of all the sugatas, and without slipping into the mistaken view of considering him as an equal, may I see him as an actual buddha!
誠願捨離心中疑  亦不落入凡愚見  諸佛化身之上師  視為真佛非我輩

In this way, may my body, speech and mind be matured through the four empowerments and so may I embark upon the path of the wondrous vajra vehicle!
藉此種種諸方便  願四灌成熟三門  願能進入金剛乘  不可思議修行道

Through the medium of fervent prayer and devotion, may the wisdom of the lineage be transferred into me and may my realization become equal to space!
藉由虔誠作媒介  以及熱烈之祈請  傳承智慧融入我  願我悟境等虛空

Perfecting the mahayoga practices of the generation stage, may I come to perceive the whole universe and beings as the three mandalas and traverse the four levels of a vidyadhara, just like the bodhisattvas Padmasambhava and Vimalamitra!
善修生起大瑜珈  願覺法界如壇城  成就四種持明位  一如蓮師無垢友

Perfecting the practice of anuyoga, may all concepts of samsara and nirvana be purified into the state of indivisible bliss and emptiness and may I experience the pure realm of Akanishtha!
善修阿努瑜珈法  願輪涅諸般概念  化入空樂無別境  願證色究竟報土

Perfecting the atiyoga practice of Dzogpachenpo, may all experience dissolve into the expanse of intrinsic reality and may I be liberated into the youthful vase body, just like the vidyadhara Garab Dorje!
善修阿底大圓滿  一切覺受盡融入  本具實相廣空中  願證童子寶瓶身  一如極喜金剛尊

In short, beginning with the training in the conduct of the bodhisattvas, may whatever I do, with body, speech or mind, bring nothing but benefit to all sentient beings, my very own parents!
於此歸結做總論  初以菩薩行修持  一切身語意所作  唯利如親有情眾

Whatever my situation or circumstance, may I never feel the slightest wish to follow worldly ways which run contrary to the Dharma!
不論自身之狀況  或遇何等外緣境  願無絲毫求世法  以彼背離佛法故

Even if, whilst under the sway of karma and habitual patterns, a mistaken thought occurs to me, may it never succeed!
受到業力之影響  以及習氣所牽引  心中縱起錯謬念  願彼無緣得成就

For the sake of others, may I be fearless and ready even to give away my own body, just like Prince Siddhartha[i]!
若為他人之因緣  願我無畏能施捨  縱捨身軀亦無懼  猶如太子悉達多(1)

Having reached the state of spontaneously accomplishing my own and others’ welfare, may I stir the depths of the ocean of samsara’s three worlds by means of the ten strengths and four fearlessnesses!
利益自己與他人  已達任運成就境  願以十力四無畏  攪動輪迴海深處

The buddhas and bodhisattvas have vowed to work towards the accomplishment of selfless aspiration prayers such as these.
諸佛菩薩曾發願  諸如本章之文句  無私誓願之祈請  戮力令其能圓成

Homage to the sages who proclaim the truth!                禮敬宣揚真諦之聖眾!

om dharé dharé bhandharé bhandaré svaha                  達惹 達惹達惹 達惹娑訶

May the strength of virtue increase!                         願善德力量增長!
May the power of aspiration grow!                                       願祈願力量增長!
May negativity be swiftly purified!                            願負面力量迅速淨除!

dzaya dzaya siddhi siddhi phala phala                               加雅 加雅 悉地 悉地 巴拉 巴拉
a a ha sha sa ma                                                                 
mama ko ling samanta                                                    瑪瑪   撒曼達

Composed by Rigdzin Jikmé Lingpa at the request of Chöden from East Tibet. Sarva mangalam!

Translated by Adam. With the encouragement of Lodi Gyari Rinpoche, 10,000 copies of this prayer are to be printed for free distribution.
[i] This is a reference to Prince Siddhartha’s previous lives, and especially to his life as Prince Mahasattva when he offered his body to a hungry tigress. This well known story is recounted in The Sutra of the Wise and Foolish.
(1) 這裡指的是悉達多太子的前生,特別是他為Mahasattva摩訶薩埵太子的那一世,他曾捨身餵虎。這個眾所熟知的故事記述於《賢愚經》。

1.  本文是由一個暫時稱為常吉祥的人,在好奇心的驅使之下,於2007年9月試譯為中文。後經法友們合作所成。
2.  入遍知城,取「遍知」乃欲與如來十號之三「正遍知」相連結,即入如來地之意
3. 匆匆試譯疏漏頗多,望諸知識善友慈悲指正願上師三寶加持能讓它改正到恰如其份的意思!

